Adult children in Oregon often help their aging parents take care of their affairs regarding medical care, financial matters or nursing home issues. Especially in situations where a person who needs living assistance is not of sound mind, the individual may rely on a...
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Nursing Negligence
US Senate issues nursing negligence report
Many Oregon residents are currently living in nursing homes. Full-assistance service is a valuable commodity for elders who can no longer function independently, and also for many people who are perhaps recovering from automobile accidents or surgeries and are unable...
Nursing negligence: Former aide who pleaded guilty now free
Many adult children in Oregon are concerned about aging parents who live in nursing homes. Some of them may have reason to suspect that nursing negligence is occurring or that their loved ones are being abused by nursing home aides. Some years back, the son of a woman...
Was your condition made worse due to nursing negligence?
There are many highly skilled, experienced and excellent nurses in Oregon. Sadly, however, nursing negligence exists in this state, as it does in others. When a licensed nurse cuts corners or disregards regulations to save time, patients and their families are often...
Nursing errors can cause catastrophic post-op injury
Surgeons are a very skilled group of professionals. People trust them to literally have their well-being, and even their lives, in their hands in Oregon. Some surgical procedures are more delicate than others. Surgery involving the eyes can be particularly delicate,...
Nursing errors can have long-term ramifications
When a loved one is admitted to a hospital in Oregon and requires surgery it is reasonable to expect that a certain level of care will be delivered. Patients and their families trust the surgeons and medical staff to be able to deliver the care needed. While there is...
Unexplained infant injuries possibly the result of nursing errors
Fewer events are happier in a young family's life in Oregon than welcoming a new baby. The joy of giving birth to a healthy baby knows no bounds for most people. As joyous as the birth may be, finding out something has happened or may be wrong can fill a new parent...
Nursing negligence contributes to mental health facility woes
Having to commit a loved one to a mental health facility can be a very painful and emotional experience. A person would hope that his or her loved one would receive the required care and be safe. In a prominent Oregon mental health facility, this may not always be...
Nursing negligence can exist in mental hospitals
Mental illness can be devastating to the person who is suffering and also to the family and loved ones of the afflicted individual in Oregon. When a person needs to be hospitalized for his or her condition, family and loved ones trust the facility to provide a high...
Nursing negligence can cause preventable death
Having to commit a loved one to an Oregon nursing home can be a very difficult and emotional decision. Once the decision is made, a family hopes they are making the right decision for their loved one and that they have found the best care possible. When that care...