Experience Counts In Medical Malpractice Claims
If you have been injured by the negligence of a doctor, nurse or health care facility, you will need an attorney who has extensive experience in the investigation, negotiation and litigation of medical malpractice claims.
Medical malpractice is a highly specialized area of the law. What makes medical malpractice law so unique is that an attorney must know both the law and medicine. To properly understand a case and convey to a jury why the doctor was negligent, the attorney must understand medicine well enough to properly investigate the case, contact the right expert witness and properly question witnesses on direct and cross-examination.
Our Experienced Medical Malpractice Attorneys
At Sokol & Associates, P.C., we have extensive experience in medical malpractice claims. Our attorneys have learned about medicine by meeting with doctors, reading thousands of medical documents and prosecuting malpractice claims for more than 30 years.
Access To Expert Witnesses
In the state of Oregon, you may not sue a doctor unless you have a qualified medical expert who is willing to testify that your doctor was negligent (your doctor provided care that was below the standard expected of a medical professional in his or her field of practice).
Most physicians are reluctant to become involved on behalf of a plaintiff to testify. There is a wall of silence. A patient who has been injured has no recourse unless they can convince a doctor to scale the wall and be willing to say it like it is.
As an experienced medical malpractice lawyer who has been successfully handling medical malpractice claims for more than 35 years, attorney Larry Sokol has the contacts and ability to find expert witnesses that are critical to effectively prosecuting medical malpractice claims.
Put Our Experience To Work For You
If you or a loved one has been injured as a result of medical negligence, contact Sokol & Associates, P.C., in Portland, Oregon. We represent clients in Oregon and Washington.