When visiting your doctor, you may be prescribed medication for an injury or illness. Medications can alleviate symptoms, treat diseases or relax muscles. It is possible that more than half of Americans depend on some kind of prescription medicine every day. It is...
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Portland Injury Law Blog
Why do many patients at emergency rooms receive the wrong diagnosis?
People go to emergency rooms when they require immediate medical intervention. Sometimes, people go to the emergency room for care for moderate medical issues on the weekends when there aren't other facilities open at that time. Other people seek out care at the...
Issues with anesthesia can lead to tragic surgical outcomes
Minimizing the trauma of surgery is only possible because of anesthesia. The surgical procedures that people require are so painful that they may go into a state of shock if they do not receive proper anesthesia. Rendering someone unconscious or providing local...
3 situations that could lead to wrongful death lawsuits in Oregon
People typically want to enjoy as much time as possible with their close family members. Unfortunately, circumstances outside people's control can lead to an unexpectedly early loss. The law in Oregon permits those left behind after a tragic premature death to...
People can overlook dangerous internal injuries after a crash
Most major injuries caused by car crashes are external and therefore visible. Someone involved in a motor vehicle collision might break their arm. While the broken bone isn't technically visible, a person can readily tell that their arm is not in the right position...
3 reasons surgery may lead to a medical malpractice lawsuit
Modern medical professionals can provide a variety of different treatment options to those with significant health concerns. There are prescription medications that can help with everything from blood sugar management to severe infections. There are also a variety of...
2 reasons injuries for children may cost families more after a crash
Anyone physically present in a vehicle at the time of a collision could end up hurt in the crash. However, there are some parties that are more likely to get hurt than others. For example, older adults involved in car crashes are often at higher risk because they...
Medical negligence can lead to hospital-acquired infections
Hospital-acquired infections (HAIs) are a major public health issue. They affect millions of patients every year and can lead to serious health complications, including death. The most common types of HAIs include urinary tract infections, surgical site infections,...
3 points to know about severe TBIs
Car crashes can lead to a host of injuries, one of which is a traumatic brain injury. Some of these injuries are considered mild and don’t have long-term impacts on the victim. Others are severe and have life-long effects. Understanding a bit about TBIs can help...
Doctors make diagnostic errors with frightening frequency
Your health and well-being are dependent on the ability of the doctor who oversees your care. You need them to figure out the cause of your symptoms and connect you with the right treatment options. Doctors can order extra testing to determine exactly what caused your...