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Failure To Diagnose Or Treat Cancer

Finding out that an adult or a child has cancer is devastating. It is even more tragic when you find out that your chances of beating cancer have been decreased significantly because your doctor failed to see the warning signs and your cancer was diagnosed later than it should have been.

Portland Medical Malpractice Lawyers ♦ 503-575-9683

Failure to diagnose and treat cancer in a timely and appropriate manner can be a legitimate basis for a medical malpractice lawsuit. A person who has suffered injury as a result of medical malpractice may have a right to receive financial compensation for his or her injuries, including the cost of necessary medical care. People who have lost a family member as a result of medical negligence may have a right to pursue compensation through a wrongful death claim. Children and adults have these rights.

Our attorneys have extensive experience in medical malpractice and wrongful death claims. Medical malpractice attorney Larry Sokol has been handling medical malpractice claims for more than 35 years.

To learn more about your legal rights and options, call 503-575-9683 now to set up a free case evaluation with an experienced medical malpractice attorney at Sokol & Associates, P.C.

Substandard Care Can Cost Patients Their Lives

The improper treatment and misdiagnosis of cancer can come in many forms and includes:

  • Failure to order appropriate diagnostic tests and appropriate imaging tests
  • Failure to take a good history of the patient
  • Failure to consider risk factors, including family history
  • Failure to provide proper treatment
  • Waiting too long to start cancer treatments

But How Does This Happen?

Sometimes, hospitals are understaffed. Sometimes, doctors don’t understand the standard of care or are just too busy. Often times it’s a failure to give proper therapy, such as chemotherapy or radiation treatments. In some cases, the mistake made by the doctor is so basic that it is shocking. In other cases, there may be a surgical error that involves a poor choice that other doctors would not make.

Our attorneys have the experience to properly handle medical malpractice claims. We work diligently on behalf of each client and actively seek optimal results for each client we represent. We have helped many injured pediatric and adult patients and family members who have lost a loved one as a result of medical malpractice. Holding negligent doctors and hospitals responsible for the injuries they have caused is what we do.

Contact A Portland Medical Negligence Lawyer

Sokol & Associates, P.C., is located in Portland, Oregon. We handle medical malpractice cases on behalf of clients in Oregon and Washington. To speak with a lawyer at our firm about a failure to properly diagnose cancer, failure to timely treat cancer or another form of medical negligence, call 503-575-9683 to schedule your free case evaluation.