Impotency is a devastating condition for many men in Oregon. The loss of one's inability to have an active intimate relationship can lead to depression, feelings of inadequacy, loss of masculinity and a severe decline in quality of life. Unfortunately, impotency is a...
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Doctor Errors
Breast implant complications lead to medical malpractice lawsuit
Breast augmentation surgery is one of the most common types of cosmetic surgeries performed in Oregon and across the country. Nationwide, about 400,000 breast augmentations are performed each year. As with any surgery, there are risks associated with the procedure....
Toddler’s parents awarded $750,000 in medical malpractice lawsuit
Most Oregon parents would agree that having a sick child is one of the hardest things they have ever dealt with. When children are sick, parents will do whatever it takes to try to make them better. Often that is a highly stressful situation as it can be very...
Navy veteran awarded $950,000 in medical malpractice lawsuit
In Oregon and across the country, veterans turn to the Veteran's Administration for their medical needs. Health care is one of the benefits of serving in the military. Most would agree that veterans should have the highest level of health care available, but there...
Child who had stroke due to medical malpractice gets $14 million
In hospitals across Oregon parents pace anxiously while going through one of the scariest things they will ever endure -- waiting while their children go through surgery. Parents of a little girl in another state had to endure that gut-wrenching wait multiple times...
What steps should a medical malpractice victim take?
Most would be shocked to hear that the third leading cause of death in the United States is medical negligence. It is estimated that over 200,000 deaths can be attributed to medical errors. These startling statistics bring to light the fact that doctor mistakes are...
Woman loses leg, gets $1 million in medical malpractice claim
Losing a limb is a life-changing event. Whether that limb is an arm or a leg, the way one has to function to perform everyday tasks is changed. Thankfully, with the help of the advanced prosthetics available in Oregon today, many of its residents are living full,...
Doctor faces medical malpractice claims re many patient deaths
When a medical student in Oregon finally becomes a doctor, he or she takes an oath to uphold certain expectations regarding patient care. The doctor is to try to heal the sick, reduce suffering and do no harm. It is unthinkable that a doctor would purposely harm his...
More than a dozen vets file medical malpractice against VA doctor
Lifetime medical care is one of the benefits the veterans who have defended this country are entitled to due to their service. Each state, including Oregon, has numerous VA hospitals. One would hope that the medical care offered to veterans at these facilities is of...
Medical malpractice filed after child dies from dental procedure
Children in Oregon and across the world are told every day that there is no reason to be scared of the dentist, and most of the time this is true. Normally, dental visits are some of the safest, least invasive medical procedures performed. Like any other medical field...