The birth of a baby is a process that must be handled with precision and care. Birth is arguably the most vulnerable time in a person’s life. Mistakes made during the birthing process can have lifelong ramifications for both the mother and infant. Unfortunately, obstetrical malpractice is more common than most people realize in Oregon and around the country. A family in another state was recently awarded over $11 million from a lawsuit filed after their son suffered a brain injury due to alleged negligence during the birth.
The lawsuit asserted that a doctor used a vacuum and forceps to deliver the child despite several signs that the child needed to be delivered by cesarian section. Records indicated that the baby was large and facing the wrong direction. It was claimed that the child suffered bruises and contusions from the delivery and had to be hospitalized in the neonatal intensive care unit.
The parents asserted that, as the child grew, they noticed developmental problems with the boy. According to the suit, the child was initially diagnosed as autistic, but an MRI later showed that the boy had suffered brain damage. It was alleged that the brain damage happened during the boy’s birth. The boy is now 16 and suffers from intellectual and social disabilities. A jury awarded awarded the family a total of $11.35 million.
It is common knowledge that infants need extra special care during and after birth. However, negligence by medical professionals during birth continues to happen. Oregon families that believe they have been affected by obstetrical malpractice may be able to pursue legal action. A substantial financial award could come from a successful lawsuit.
Source:, “Summit jury awards $11.35 million in lawsuit involving Massillon boy with brain injury”, Stephanie Warsmith, Feb. 16, 2018