Are You Seeking Compensation For An Injury?

Talk With Us.

Do I Have A Personal Injury Claim If I Was Partly At Fault?

Just because you may have been partially at fault for an accident does not mean that you cannot recover compensation for damages such as medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

At the law firm of Sokol & Associates, P.C., in Portland, our attorneys offer a free initial consultation to discuss fault in auto accidents. We serve clients throughout Oregon.

Who Determines Fault In Accidents?

If the two sides cannot come to an agreement, a court will assign responsibility by percentage. For example, based on the evidence presented, the court may decide that one side is 60 percent at fault and one side is 40 percent at fault.

Even if the accident report or the other driver’s insurance company says that you were at fault, evidence from an accident investigation may lead the court to a different conclusion. It’s important not to make any admissions of fault before you discuss your case with a lawyer.

What If I Was Partly At Fault?

Your recovery will be reduced by any percentage of responsibility that is assigned to you. However, you can still recover damages as long as your responsibility is not 51 percent or higher.

What If I Was 51 Percent At Fault Or Higher?

You can recover compensation from your personal injury protection coverage regardless of who was at fault.

Call Us Before You Discuss Fault With The Other Party

For more information about the role fault plays in auto accident cases, call 503-575-9683 or complete our contact form to schedule a consultation.