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Personal Injury Protection And Auto Insurance

Personal injury protection or PIP is a part of your auto insurance in Oregon. If you have car insurance, then you are covered by Oregon PIP.

At the law firm of Sokol & Associates, P.C., in Portland, our attorneys offer a free initial consultation to explain how personal injury protection works. We can also help you resolve disputes over your PIP coverage. Call 503-575-9683, to discuss your case with a lawyer at our firm.

What Does PIP Pay?

Basic PIP coverage pays:

  • Up to $15,000 for medical expenses incurred within one year of the accident
  • Up to 70 percent of lost wages, up to $3,000 a month for one year
  • Up to $30 a day for household services for one year
  • Up to $25 a day for child care, up to $750 for one year
  • Up to $5,000 for funeral expenses

PIP pays these benefits regardless of who was at fault for the accident. You can purchase additional PIP coverage from your insurance carrier.

What If I Was Injured On A Motorcycle?

PIP does not cover losses from motorcycle accidents. You may have the right to sue the other driver, however.

What If I Was Struck By A Car While Riding A Bike Or Walking?

PIP covers pedestrians and bicyclists who are injured in motor vehicle accidents.

What If I Have Losses Beyond The PIP Limits?

If you suffered a serious injury, PIP won’t go far in paying for your losses. If another person caused the accident, our lawyers can seek full compensation from his or her insurance company.

What If My PIP Claim Is Denied?

Our lawyers can take steps to make sure the insurance company pays what it is legally required to pay.

For The Answers You Need About Oregon PIP

For more information about PIP coverage after an accident, call 503-575-9683 or complete our contact form to schedule a free consultation.