A big part of your responsibilities as a parent involves protecting your children from danger. Still, you can't spend your whole life surveying the environment for possible dangers. Instead, you need to learn about the biggest risks your children face and try to keep...
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Year: 2021
How can you prevent errors from affecting your child during surgery?
When you have to take your child in for surgery, it’s already upsetting and nerve-racking. You want to make sure that everything goes the way it should and that they don’t end up with injuries or pass away as a result of errors. How can you make sure the surgery is as...
Medical errors are a leading cause of death for American patients
Did you know that medical malpractice is the third-leading cause of death within the United States? Most people would never assume it was this prevalent, but a study at Johns Hopkins in 2018 showed that around 250,000 people die annually as a result of medical errors...
Disfiguring injuries to kids in crashes can cost a lot
Car crashes can cause all kinds of severe injuries. Even though younger children typically ride in special car seats or boosters to help keep them safe, kids get hurt frequently in collisions. Car crashes are a leading cause of fatality for most age groups of children...